Thursday, 11 September 2014

One of Instagram’s Biggest Antagonists Is in Jail for Selling an iPhone on Craigslist

You may not know who Param Sharma is by name, but you have probably heard of his Instagram antics. He is the millionaire teenager who picks fights with celebrities over how much money they have, posting pictures celebrating his wealth and making inflammatory comments about “peasants.”

If you look at his Instagram, however, you’ll see that he has been conspicuously absent since posting a picture of some shellfish on August 14. That’s because, apparently, he has been in jail for the last 24 days after selling a stolen iPhone on Craigslist.
Despite Sharma employing the classic “I was doing it for a friend” argument, he was still sentenced to 90 days in jail and accidentally (but totally appropriately, right?) kept in the psych ward for two weeks. He’s expected to be released any day now while his appeal is pending.
Hopefully, all the “peasants” in jail treated him well.

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